False Knight commissioned the development of this web site to be as accessible and easy to use as possible for all site visitors.
If you do have any problems, or would like to make any suggestions to improve the site from an accessibility point of view, please get in touch with us.
This site has been tested in the three most popular internet browsers: Internet Explorer, Netscape and Mozilla Firefox. If you experience any difficulties whilst using the site in any type of browser, please let us know via the contact form.
Included are the UK Government standard access keys throughout this web site to provide you with keyboard shortcuts to important sections.
![]() | If you are using a Windows-based system please press the 'Alt key' and the access key, followed by pressing the 'Return key'. |
![]() | If you are using a Macintosh system please press the 'Ctrl key' and the access key, followed by pressing the 'Return key'. |
The Access keys or keyboard shortcuts that replace the need to use a mouse for navigation are as follows: